One Piece
Created by Eiichiro Oda, One Piece is a multimedia franchise that began as a manga series and follows the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates as led by Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy, an enthusiastic pirate with a thirst for adventure, is afflicted by a mysterious curse that gives him various powers he uses to protect himself and his friends. The manga eventually gave way to the anime series, with the two being some of history's longest-running anime and manga series. Along with over fifty video games made over the years, the series entered the live-action world with Netflix's 2023 adaptation.
One Piece Will Soon Hit a Paywall at Crunchyroll, Sparking a Big Streaming Debate
One Piece is about to hit a paywall at Crunchyroll, leaving streaming fans distraught and confused.
One Piece Chapter #1133 Release Date & Time
The Straw Hats' adventures in Elbaf continue in One Piece's hotly anticipated Chapter #1133. Here's where and when you can read the latest chapter!
At Last, One Piece Is Ready to Resolve a 13-Year-Old Mystery
One Piece's latest chapter teases the Elbaph arc will finally be revealing a decade-old mystery which is the identity of the man meeting Crocus.
It's Happening: Dragon Ball Is Launching a Special One Piece Collaboration
Eichiro Oda will be participating in a huge Dragon Ball project and will recreate one of the series' best volume covers.
Luffy Won't Have One Piece Season 2's Most Powerful Devil Fruit, But There's A Big Twist
Monkey D. Luffy's Devil Fruit was by far the strongest in One Piece season 1, and while that won't be the case in season 2, there's a big twist.
Viral One Piece Theory Sparks Big Debate After Predicting Sanji's Death
An alarming theory about One Piece's Sanji could have discovered he will die soon, based on many ominous details surrounding the character.
10 One Piece Characters With Seriously Weird Designs
One Piece is best known for its unconventional character designs and these are the wackiest-looking characters in the entire series.
One Piece Is Not Only a Shonen Hit But One of Anime's Top LGBTQ+ Champions
The One Piece franchise has become a beacon of hope for members of the LGBTQ+ community, thanks to its outstanding representation.
Netflix's One Piece Found the Perfect Gol D. Roger (and Here's Why)
Michael Dorman was the perfect choice for the Netflix live-action One Piece because he has real family connections in his love for the series.
One Piece: Every Luffy Form, Ranked Best to Worst
Monkey D. Luffy has gained several exciting transformations throughout One Piece's long-running series, but some are much more helpful than others.
Dragon Ball, One Piece Take Over Thanksgiving With Macy's Parade Comeback: Watch
Dragon Ball and One Piece are doing Thanksgiving up big.
Did One Piece Just Reveal Zoro's New Sword Ahead of Season 2? It Seems So.
A social media post may have accidentally teased a big moment for Zoro coming up in season 2 of Netflix's One Piece Live-Action series.
OP Just Revealed Netflix's Take on Mr. 3 Accidentally, And We're Totally Obsessed
Production for season 2 of the live-action One Piece is still underway, but fans can already get a glimpse of what an iconic villain will look like.
Quit Looking. One Piece Just Dropped the Most Cursed Anime Merch of All Time
One Piece just dropped a collectible Luffy Potato Head figure and it is undeniably cursed.
One Piece Just Answered the Gear Five Question We All Had
Eiichiro Oda has a very straightforward answer for Luffy's Gear Five design that will answer a long-burning fan question.
5 Lessons Every One Piece Fan Needs To Take To Heart
One Piece excels not only in delivering an exciting and adventurous tale but also in imparting heartfelt life lessons.
¡°This Is Going To Surpass Season 1!¡±: One Piece Creator Sends Message & BTS Images To Fans From Season 2 Set & Praises New Live-Action Stars
One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda sends a message alongside behind-the-scenes images of season 2 to fans as he praises the show's new live-action stars.
10 Epic Zoro Moments Every Anime Fan Should Know
One Piece's Three Sword Style user Zoro has earned his reputation as one of today's coolest swordsmen with these moments any anime fan can enjoy.
Zoro Vs. Sanji: Which Live-Action One Piece Character Is Strongest
Zoro's strength and detailed backstory seem to overshadow Sanji's, as the live-action series dedicates more screen time to his journey.
One Piece's 5 Live-Action Straw Hats Ranked By Power
Netflix's live-action One Piece adaptation has introduced the first five Straw Hat pirates, but some members of Luffy's crew are stronger than others.